LYXION - Your partner for Industrial IoT Portfolio Management

Mon - Frd : 8:00 -17:00

Supercharging your IIoT Portfolio Management

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation

IIoT Portfolio Management Implementation

Framework Installation and Optimization

High-Intensity Knowledge Infusion

Single Point of Contact for Comprehensive Support

Not only there to tell but also to do:

At Lyxion, our consulting services offer a holistic approach to IIoT portfolio management, ensuring seamless integration of IT and OT while meeting all regulatory requirements. We help organizations achieve compliance with key European laws, such as the EU Data Act, Cyber Resilience Act, and NIS 2, through tailored frameworks, risk mitigation strategies, and specialized training programs. Our services also include a single point of contact for ongoing support, simplifying communication and maintaining alignment with your business goals and regulatory standards.

Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation

Our consulting services focus on helping organizations comply with critical European regulations, such as the EU Data Act and Cyber Resilience Act, reducing the risk of significant fines and personal liability for CEOs. We offer and set up, a mandated intervention framework, ensuring all necessary changes are implemented to meet these standards effectively.

Framework Installation and Optimization

We install robust IIoT portfolio management frameworks, tailored to your organization’s needs. These frameworks include templates, tools, and best practices for innovation, procurement, legal, and fiscal matters, all designed to comply with European regulations and support internal sustainability goals.

High-Intensity Knowledge Infusion

Through intensive training programs, decision-making workshops, and experimental environments, we embed essential knowledge and skills into your organization. This ensures your team stays up-to-date with the latest IIoT technologies and compliance requirements, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. support internal sustainability goals.

Single Point of Contact for Comprehensive Support

We offer a single point of contact for all post-installation queries, addressing technical, legal, fiscal, operational, and security concerns. This streamlined approach simplifies communication and ensures consistent support across all areas, including adherence to European regulations like the Cyber Resilience Act.

Compliance tab

99% of businesses don't have IIoT portfolio management

"Imagine your business as a leaky faucet, dripping valuable data without you even realizing.

With IIoT portfolio management, we're like the plumber who can pinpoint the leaks, assess the risks, and even turn those leaks into opportunities.

Need a bird's-eye view of all your deployed IoT devices? We've got you covered.

Plus, we'll guide you through compliance with regulations like NIS2, EU Data Act, and GDPR, because that's what IIoT portfolio management is all about.

Let us help you redesign and standardize your processes, so you can stay compliant and leak-free.